速報APP / 工具 / Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖1)-速報App

Alarm clock, Timer and stop watch all in one android app!

Alarm Clock:

You can use Alarm clock to wake up in the morning or to setup reminders for your tasks. . It’s highly customizable app, you can easily set, edit, delete alarms with just one touch.

Most of people would like to set different alarm on weekend. Digital Clock offers you this functionality and much more.

If you want to wake up at the same time every day, weekends or just a few days a week, you can also easily select which days in alarm clock.

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖2)-速報App

App also has multiple beautiful themes. You can choose any best theme.

features :

- Alarm on/off with one touch.

- Set custom labels for alarms.

- Alarms sorted in the order they will ring.

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖3)-速報App

- Set alarms repeat every day OR on certain days.

- Choose your favorite ringtone.

- Alarm works even screen is locked or android is in silent mode.

- Specially designed for both landscape and portrait modes

- Settings – get an easy access to all options you need

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖4)-速報App

- Utilizes 12 or 24 time format

- An option to allow and disable the notifications

- Volume control

- Snooze time customization

- Sound volume adjustable

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖5)-速報App

- Vibrate ON/OFF


- Multiple countdown timers with background service (continues when app is closed).

- Up to 99 hours

- Useful for every timing situation (sports, games, work and of course cooking).

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖6)-速報App


- Our simple and reliable Stopwatch can help solve all your timing needs.

- Lap function

- One touch control, easy to use interface

- Stopwatch up to 99 hours

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖7)-速報App

Try our best Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch app now!

Alarm Clock + Timer + Stopwatch(圖8)-速報App